Athlete's foot is a common fungal infection that affects the feet. You can usually treat it with creams, sprays or powders from a pharmacy, but it can keep coming back.
One of the main symptoms of athlete's foot is itchy white patches between your toes.
It can also cause sore and flaky patches on your feet.
The skin can look red, but this may be less noticeable on brown or black skin.
Sometimes the skin on your feet may become cracked or bleed.
Athlete's foot can also affect your soles or sides of your feet. It sometimes causes fluid-filled blisters.
If it's not treated, the infection can spread to your toenails and cause a fungal nail infection.
Athlete's foot is unlikely to get better on its own, but you can buy antifungal medicines for it from a pharmacy. They usually take a few weeks to work.
Athlete's foot treatments are available as:
They're not all suitable for everyone – for example, some are only for adults. Always check the packet or ask a pharmacist.
You might need to try a few treatments to find one that works best for you.
You can keep using some pharmacy treatments to stop athlete's foot coming back.
It's also important to keep your feet clean and dry. You do not need to stay off work or school.
dry your feet after washing them, particularly between your toes – dab them dry rather than rubbing them
use a separate towel for your feet and wash it regularly
wear clean socks every day – cotton socks are best
do not scratch affected skin – this can spread it to other parts of your body
do not walk around barefoot – wear flip-flops in places like changing rooms and showers
do not share towels, socks or shoes with other people
do not wear the same pair of shoes for more than 2 to 3 days in a row
do not wear shoes that make your feet hot and sweaty
Keep following this advice after finishing treatment to help stop athlete's foot coming back.
You have athlete's foot and:
If you have athlete's foot and treatments from a pharmacy have not worked, a GP may:
You can catch athlete's foot from other people with the infection.
You can get it by:
You're more likely to get it if you have wet or sweaty feet, or if the skin on your feet is damaged.