A broken nose usually heals on its own within 3 weeks. Get medical help if it's not getting better or your nose has changed shape.
Symptoms of a broken nose include:
A broken nose may cause bruising under your eyes (black eyes).
You may also have a cut on the bridge of your nose, or a nosebleed.
You can usually treat a broken nose yourself. It should start getting better within 3 days and be fully healed within 3 weeks.
hold an ice pack (or bag of frozen peas) wrapped in a tea towel on your nose for up to 15 minutes, several times a day
take paracetamol to relieve pain
treat nosebleeds by sitting or standing upright and leaning forward – if possible, pinch your nose above the nostrils for up to 15 minutes
keep your head upright when lying in bed by adding more pillows – this will help to reduce swelling
treat minor cuts and grazes by stopping any bleeding, cleaning the wound and covering it with a plaster or dressing
do not try to straighten your nose yourself if it's changed shape – get help from 111 online, go to a minor injuries unit or see a GP
do not wear glasses until the swelling has gone down, unless you need them
do not pick or blow your nose until it's healed
do not do strenuous exercise for the first 2 weeks
do not play sports for at least 6 weeks if there's a chance your face might be hit
If you have a small cut on your nose, find out how to treat minor cuts and grazes.
You have a broken nose and:
Do not drive to A&E. Ask someone to drive you or call 999 and ask for an ambulance.
Bring any medicines you take with you.
A GP might prescribe stronger painkillers if paracetamol is not helping with pain caused by a broken nose.
If you have a severe broken nose or it's changed shape, you may be referred to a specialist in hospital for assessment and treatment.
A doctor in hospital may be able to make your nose straighter using a procedure called manipulation.
You might have to go home and wait for the swelling to go down first, but the procedure should be done within 3 weeks of you breaking your nose, before the bones start to set.
Manipulation is done using local anaesthetic so that your nose is numbed. It does not always make your nose look exactly the same as it was before, but it often helps.
The wound will usually be cleaned and sealed with stitches or strips in hospital.